Adding Metadata to APIs


You can add metadata to APIs through the Datadog UI or API, or use automated pipelines through the GitHub integration or Terraform.

Metadata structure and supported versions

API Catalog supports OpenAPI 2 and 3 as the format for defining APIs.

Datadog supports custom OpenAPI fields to help manage metadata:

  • API owner: Add the following to the top level of the OpenAPI file:

     teamHandle: dd-team
  • Scope to service: Add the service parameter to the top level of an OpenAPI file to scope the API to a specific service. If you don’t define a specific service, Datadog matches all endpoints that fit your definition:

     service: web-store

    The name of the service should be the exact service name as it appears on Datadog traces.

Example OpenAPI file:

openapi: 3.0.2
 title: API Name
 description: API Description
 version: 1.0.0
 teamHandle: dd-team
 service: web-store
     summary: get customer information
     operationId: getCustomerInfo
       - public
       - important
       - in: path
         name: id
         description: Successful operation
               type: object
                   type: array
                   description: Contains all customer information
         description: Invalid arguments
         description: Unauthorized operation
         description: An internal server error

Automations for adding metadata

Add API metadata from a GitHub repository

Use the Datadog GitHub integration to import API definitions and keep them updated. After connecting, the API automatically updates whenever the file content changes in the repository.

To import an OpenAPI or Swagger file using the GitHub integration:

  1. Set up the Datadog GitHub integration.
  2. Navigate to the API Catalog in Datadog.
  3. Click on the Manage tab, and select Add API.
  4. Select GitHub.
  5. Choose the repository and the file you want to register.
  6. Select Create.
API Catalog modal showing how to create a new API from GitHub

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: