Datadog PrivateLink does not support the selected Datadog site.
This guide walks you through configuring AWS PrivateLink for use with Datadog. The overall process consists of configuring an internal endpoint in your VPC that local Datadog Agents can send data to. Your VPC endpoint is then peered with the endpoint within Datadog’s VPC.
Datadog exposes AWS PrivateLink endpoints in .
If you need to route Datadog traffic in the same region, follow the steps in Connect from the same region to set up your endpoint.
To route traffic to Datadog’s PrivateLink offering in from other regions, Datadog recommends cross-region PrivateLink endpoints. Cross-region PrivateLink enables you to establish connections between VPCs across different AWS regions. This allows VPC resources in different regions to communicate with each other using private IP addresses. Alternatively, use VPC Peering.
Connect from the same region
Connect the AWS Management Console to the region of your choice.
From the VPC Dashboard, under PrivateLink and Lattice, select Endpoints.
Click Create Endpoint:
Select Find service by name.
Fill the Service Name text box according to which service you want to establish AWS PrivateLink for:
PrivateLink service name
Private DNS name
Logs (Agent HTTP intake)
Logs (User HTTP intake)
Database Monitoring
Remote Configuration
Click Verify. If this does not return Service name found, reach out to Datadog support.
Choose the VPC and subnets that should be peered with the Datadog VPC service endpoint.
Make sure that for Enable DNS name, Enable for this endpoint is checked:
Choose the security group of your choice to control what can send traffic to this VPC endpoint.
Note: The security group must accept inbound traffic on TCP port 443.
Click Create endpoint at the bottom of the screen. If successful, the following is displayed:
Click on the VPC endpoint ID to check its status.
Wait for the status to move from Pending to Available. This can take up to 10 minutes. Once it shows Available, you can use AWS PrivateLink.
If you are running a Datadog Agent version older than v6.19 or v7.19, to collect logs data, ensure your Agent is configured to send logs over HTTPS. If the data is not already there, add the following to the Agent datadog.yaml configuration file:
If you are using the container Agent, set the following environment variable instead:
This configuration is required when sending logs to Datadog with AWS PrivateLink and the Datadog Agent, and is not required for the Lambda Extension. For more details, see Agent log collection.
If your Lambda Extension loads the Datadog API Key from AWS Secrets Manager using the ARN specified by the environment variable DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN, you need to create a VPC endpoint for Secrets Manager.
Connect the AWS Management Console to the region of your choice.
From the VPC Dashboard, under PrivateLink and Lattice, select Endpoints.
Click Create Endpoint:
Configure the VPC interface endpoint settings
Optionally, fill in the Name tag.
Under Type, select PrivateLink Ready partner services.
Discover and configure the interface endpoint with cross-region support:
Under Service name, fill in the service name with a valid PrivateLink service name from the table below.
Under Service region, click Enable Cross Region endpoint and select .
Click Verify service and wait for a Service name verified notification.
Note: If you aren’t able to verify the service after completing the steps above, reach out to Datadog Support.
Under Network Settings, select a VPC to deploy the VPC Interface endpoint with.
Ensure the option to Enable DNS name is checked.
Under Subnets, select one or more subnets in your VPC for the interface endpoint.
Under Security Groups, select a security group to control what can send traffic to the VPC endpoint.
Note: The security group must accept inbound traffic on TCP port 443.
Optionally, provide a Name tag and click Create endpoint.
Allow a few minutes for the endpoint status to update from Pending to Available. This may take up to 10 minutes. If it is taking longer than expected, reach out to Datadog Support.
After the endpoint status is updated to Available, you can use this endpoint to send telemetry to Datadog using the cross-region AWS PrivateLink endpoint.
PrivateLink service names
PrivateLink service name
Private DNS name
Logs (Agent HTTP intake)
Logs (User HTTP intake)
Database Monitoring
Remote Configuration
Connect the AWS Console to region and create a VPC endpoint.
Select Find service by name.
Fill the Service Name text box according to the service you want to establish AWS PrivateLink for:
PrivateLink service name
Logs (Agent HTTP intake)
Logs (User HTTP intake)
Database Monitoring
Remote Configuration
Click Verify. If this does not return Service name found, reach out to Datadog support.
Next, choose the VPC and subnets that should be peered with the Datadog VPC service endpoint. Do not select Enable DNS name as VPC peering requires DNS to be manually configured.
Choose the security group of your choice to control what can send traffic to this VPC endpoint.
Note: The security group must accept inbound traffic on TCP port 443.
Click Create endpoint at the bottom of the screen. If successful, the following is displayed:
Click on the VPC endpoint ID to check its status.
Wait for the status to move from Pending to Available. This can take up to 10 minutes.
After creating the endpoint, use VPC peering to make the PrivateLink endpoint available in another region to send telemetry to Datadog over PrivateLink. For more information, read the Work With VPC Peering connections page in AWS.
Amazon Route53
Create a Route53 private hosted zone for each service you have created an AWS PrivateLink endpoint for. Attach the private hosted zone to the VPC in .
Use the list below to map service and DNS name to different parts of Datadog:
PrivateLink service name
Private DNS name
Logs (Agent HTTP intake)
Logs (User HTTP intake)
Database Monitoring
Remote Configuration
You can also find this information by interrogating the AWS API, DescribeVpcEndpointServices, or by using the following command:
This returns metrics.agent., the private hosted zone name that you need in order to associate with the VPC which the Agent traffic originates in. Overriding this record grabs all Metrics-related intake hostnames.
Within each new Route53 private hosted zone, create an A record with the same name. Toggle the Alias option, then under Route traffic to, choose Alias to VPC endpoint, , and enter the DNS name of the VPC endpoint associated with the DNS name.
The Agent sends telemetry to versioned endpoints, for example, [version]-app.agent. which resolves to metrics.agent. through a CNAME alias. Therefore, you only need to set up a private hosted zone for metrics.agent..
Configure VPC peering and routing between the VPC in that contains the Datadog PrivateLink endpoints and the VPC in the region where the Datadog Agents run.
If the VPCs are in different AWS accounts, the VPC containing the Datadog Agent must be authorized to associate with the Route53 private hosted zones before continuing. Create a VPC association authorization for each Route53 private hosted zone using the region and VPC ID of the VPC where the Datadog Agent runs. This option is not available in the AWS Console. It must be configured using the AWS CLI, SDK, or API.
Edit the Route53 hosted zone to add VPCs for other regions.
VPCs that have the Private Hosted Zone (PHZ) attached need to have certain settings toggled on, specifically enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport in the VPCs that the PHZ is associated with. See Considerations when working with a private hosted zone.
The DNS names should resolve to IP addresses contained within the CIDR block of the VPC in , and connections to port 443 should succeed.
If DNS is resolving to public IP addresses, then the Route53 zone has not been associated with the VPC in the alternate region, or the A record does not exist.
If DNS resolves correctly, but connections to port 443 are failing, then VPC peering or routing may be misconfigured, or port 443 may not be allowed outbound to the CIDR block of the VPC in .
The VPCs with Private Hosted Zone (PHZ) attached need to have a couple of settings toggled on. Specifically, enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport need to be turned on in the VPCs that the PHZ is associated with. See Amazon VPC settings.
Datadog Agent
If you are collecting logs data, ensure your Agent is configured to send logs over HTTPS. If the data is not already there, add the following to the Agent datadog.yaml configuration file:
If you are using the container Agent, set the following environment variable instead:
This configuration is required when sending logs to Datadog with AWS PrivateLink and the Datadog Agent, and is not required for the Lambda Extension. For more details, see Agent log collection.
If your Lambda Extension loads the Datadog API Key from AWS Secrets Manager using the ARN specified by the environment variable DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN, you need to create a VPC endpoint for Secrets Manager.