The Agent, by default, logs in INFO level. You can set the log level to DEBUG to get more information from your logs.
Note: Debug mode is meant for debugging purposes only. Datadog recommends only enabling DEBUG for a certain window of time as it increases the number of indexed logs. Set the log level back to INFO when done.
When run in a container, the Agent cannot be restarted with service datadog-agent restart (or similar) which causes the container to be killed by Docker. Use supervisor to restart a containerized Agent:
/opt/datadog-agent/bin/supervisorctl -c /etc/dd-agent/supervisor.conf restart all
With the following commands, enable debug logging, restart the Agent, wait 60 seconds, then send a flare, in that order:
sed -i '/\[Main\]/a LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG' /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf
/opt/datadog-agent/bin/supervisorctl -c /etc/dd-agent/supervisor.conf restart all
sleep 60/etc/init.d/datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
Debug logs can be disabled with:
sed -i '/LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG/d' /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf
/opt/datadog-agent/bin/supervisorctl -c /etc/dd-agent/supervisor.conf restart all
The following Agent log levels are available for log_level or DD_LOG_LEVEL:
Critical logs
Error logs
Warn logs
Info logs
Debug logs
Trace logs
Note: When setting the log level to 'OFF' in the configuration file, quotes are mandatory to prevent the value from being improperly parsed. Quotes are optional for other log levels.