Datadog FIPS Compliance

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is available only in the US1-FED region.

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy ensures that communication between the Datadog Agent and Datadog uses FIPS-compliant encryption.

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is a separately distributed component that you deploy on the same host as the Datadog Agent. The proxy acts as an intermediary between the Agent and Datadog intake. The Agent communicates with the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy, which encrypts payloads using a FIPS 140-2 validated cryptography and relays the payloads to Datadog. The Datadog Agent and the Agent FIPS Proxy must be configured in tandem to communicate with one another.

FIPS compliance is not retained if the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy and the Datadog Agent are not on the same host.
Similarly, FIPS compliance is not retained if the fips.enabled option is not set to true in datadog.yaml.

Supported platforms and limitations

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy’s compliance is based on its use of the FIPS 140-2 validated Cryptographic Module - Certificate #4282. See the related security policy for information about validated operating environments and restrictions.

It is your responsibility to ensure operating environment compliance with the security policy and wider FIPS guidance.

Supported platforms:

Bare metal and VMsRHEL >= 7
Debian >= 8
Ubuntu >= 14.04
SUSE >= 12
Cloud and containerAmazon ECS
AWS EKS (Helm)

Supported products (Agent 7.45+):

  • Metrics
  • Logs
  • APM traces
  • APM profiles
  • Processes
  • Orchestrator Explorer
  • Runtime Security

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy does not support the following:

  • Serverless Monitoring
  • Communication between Cluster Agent and Node Agents
  • Agent integrations
  • Outbound communication to anything other than GovCloud


  • TCP port range available: 9803 to 9818
  • Datadog Agent >= v7.41

Install the Agent with FIPS support

Install the Agent on a new host

To install the Datadog Agent with the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy, add DD_FIPS_MODE=1 to the one-step install instructions on the Datadog Agent Integration page. For example:

DD_SITE="" \
bash -c "$(curl -L \"

Setting the DD_FIPS_MODE environment variable installs the FIPS package along with the Agent, and configures the Agent to use the proxy. There are no additional configuration steps if you’re using this method, but you should verify the installation.

Add the Datadog Agent FIPS proxy to an existing Agent

Follow the steps below to add the Datadog Agent FIPS proxy to an existing Agent installation.

Install the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy package

  1. Run the following commands to install the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy:


    apt-get update && apt-get install datadog-fips-proxy

    RHEL and Fedora:

    yum makecache && yum install datadog-fips-proxy


    zypper refresh datadog && zypper install datadog-fips-proxy
  2. The first time you perform an upgrade, copy the example configuration file to the appropriate location and restart the proxy. You do not need to copy the configuration in subsequent upgrades unless there are significant changes in the upstream proxy configuration:

    sudo cp /etc/datadog-fips-proxy/datadog-fips-proxy.cfg.example \
    sudo chown dd-agent:dd-agent \
    sudo chmod 640 /etc/datadog-fips-proxy/datadog-fips-proxy.cfg
    sudo systemctl restart datadog-fips-proxy

Configure the Agent to use the Datadog Agent FIPS proxy

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy package comes pre-configured for use with the US1-FED datacenter. If you’re upgrading an existing Datadog Agent, you must configure the Agent to use the proxy.

To configure the Agent to use the proxy, set fips.enabled to true and fips.https to false in the Agent configuration file:

  enabled: true
  https: false

The fips setting is available in Agent versions >= 7.41. When the setting is enabled, the Datadog Agent redirects all of its communications to the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy for supported products. This setting ignores custom URL options, such as dd_url.

The https option is set to false because the Agent uses HTTP to communicate with the proxy. The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy runs on the same host as the Agent and relies on the host’s security for protection of that communication.

Host security and hardening are your responsibilities.

The fips.enabled setting defaults to false in the Agent. It must be set to true to ensure all communications are forwarded through the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy.

If fips.enabled is not set to true, the Agent is not FIPS Compliant.

Verify your installation

Verify that metrics, traces, and logs are correctly reported in the app.

For metrics, run the connectivity diagnostic command and verify that all checks pass:

sudo -u dd-agent datadog-agent diagnose --include connectivity-datadog-core-endpoints
# For Agent version < 7.48, run the following command:
# sudo -u dd-agent datadog-agent diagnose datadog-connectivity

If you don’t see metrics, traces, or logs reported in the app, see the Troubleshooting section.

View logs

sudo journalctl -u datadog-fips-proxy

journald logs configuration

If you use Log Management and want to send the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy logs to Datadog, set up the Datadog Agent to read logs from journald.

  1. In the Agent’s configuration file, set logs_enabled to true to activate the Logs Agent. In the configuration directory, create a file at fips_proxy.d/conf.yaml with the following content:

      - type: journald
        source: datadog-fips-proxy
          - datadog-fips-proxy.service
  2. Make sure that the dd-agent user is in the systemd-journal group. For more information, see the journald integration documentation.

  3. Restart the Agent.

Set the following values in your values.yaml file:

  enabled: true
  use_https: false

The fips setting is available in Agent versions >= 7.41. When the setting is enabled, the Datadog Agent redirects all of its communications to the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy for supported products. This setting ignores custom URL options, such as dd_url.

The use_https option is set to false because the Agent uses HTTP to communicate with the proxy. The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy runs on the same host as the Datadog Agent and relies on the host’s security for protection of that communication.

Host security and hardening are your responsibilities.

The fips.enabled setting defaults to false in the Agent. It must be set to true to ensure all communications are forwarded through the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy.

If fips.enabled is not set to true, the Agent is not FIPS Compliant.

For instructions on installing the FIPS proxy on Amazon ECS, see FIPS proxy for GOVCLOUD environments.

Security and hardening

You, the Datadog customer, are responsible for host security and hardening.

Security considerations:

  • While the Datadog images provided are constructed with security in mind, they have not been evaluated against CIS benchmark recommendations or DISA STIG standards.
  • If you rebuild, reconfigure, or modify the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy to fit your deployment or testing needs, you might end up with a technically working setup, but Datadog cannot guarantee FIPS compliance if the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is not used exactly as explained in the documentation.
  • If you did not follow the installation steps listed above exactly as documented, Datadog cannot guarantee FIPS compliance. Correct configuration includes having your Datadog Agent configured to communicate to the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy by setting the fips.enabled option, and having a running Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy.

Communication between the Agent and the FIPS Proxy

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy only secures communication originating from the Agent targeting the Datadog intake API endpoints. This means that other forms of communication terminating at the Agent or originating from the Agent are not made FIPS-compliant by this solution.

Communication between the Cluster Agent and Node Agents

The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy only secures communication originating from the Cluster Agent targeting the Datadog intake API endpoints. This means that other forms of communication terminating at the Cluster Agent or originating from the Cluster Agent are not made FIPS-compliant by this solution.

Release versions

Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy releases are decoupled from Datadog Agent releases. Use the latest versions of both the Datadog Agent and Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy versions to ensure the Datadog Agent and FIPS proxy support all available products.

Troubleshooting a host or VM installation

To troubleshoot the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy, verify the following:

  • The Datadog Agent and Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy are running.
  • The Datadog Agent can communicate with the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy.
  • The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy can communicate with Datadog intake endpoints.

Check the proxy status

To get information about the state of the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy, run the following command:

sudo systemctl status datadog-fips-proxy

If the proxy is running, the output should look similar to the following:

- datadog-fips-proxy.service - Datadog FIPS Proxy
  Loaded: loaded
      enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-07-19 16:21:15 UTC; 1min 6s ago

If the proxy status is inactive (dead), launch the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy:

sudo systemctl start datadog-fips-proxy

If the proxy status is failed, the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy could not be launched due to an error. Run the following command and search the proxy logs for errors:

sudo journalctl -u datadog-fips-proxy --no-pager

Proxy cannot bind socket

If the proxy logs show a bind socket error, the proxy is trying to use a port that is already in use on the host. The Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy uses the TCP port range from 9803 up to and including 9818. Ports in this range must be available on the host and not used by other services.

In the following example, the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is unable to bind a socket on port 9804 because the port is already in use:

[ALERT] (4518) : Starting frontend metrics-forwarder: cannot bind socket (Address already in use) []
[ALERT] (4518) : [/opt/datadog-fips-proxy/embedded/sbin/haproxy.main()] Some protocols failed to start their listeners! Exiting.

Agent is unable to connect to the proxy

To check for network issues, check the logs at /var/log/datadog/agent.log, or run:

datadog-agent diagnose --include connectivity-datadog-core-endpoints
# For Agent version < 7.48, run the following command:
# datadog-agent diagnose datadog-connectivity

Look for errors such as:

connect: connection refused, context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers), or connection reset by peer
  • Follow the steps in Check the proxy status to verify that the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is running.
  • Verify that the port range from the proxy matches the one from the Agent.

If the proxy is running and the port range is correct, a local firewall on the machine may be blocking the Agent’s access to the proxy. Set your firewall to allow connections to TCP ports from 9804 to 9818.

You can use curl to verify that the proxy is accessible:

curl http://localhost:9804/

For further assistance, see Agent Troubleshooting.

Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is unable to connect to Datadog intake

If there are HTTP errors such as 502, 503, or if the proxy returns an empty response, the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy might not be able to forward traffic to the Datadog backend.

Verify the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy logs with:

sudo journalctl -u datadog-fips-proxy --no-pager

Check the logs for errors such as:

haproxy[292759]: [WARNING] (292759) : Server
datadog-api/mothership3 is DOWN, reason: Layer4 timeout, vcheck duration: 2000ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
[ALERT] (292759) : backend 'datadog-api' has no server available!


haproxy[1808]: [WARNING] (1808) : Server
datadog-metrics/mothership2 is DOWN, reason: Layer4
connection problem, info: "Connection refused", check duration: 0ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0
sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
haproxy[1808]: [ALERT] (1808) : backend 'datadog-metrics' has no server available!

These errors indicate that the Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy is not able to contact backend systems, possibly due to being blocked by a firewall or due to another network issue. Datadog Agent FIPS Proxy requires internet access to the Datadog intake endpoints. You can find the IP addresses for these endpoints through the API.

For more information about outbound connections from the Agent, see the Network Traffic guide.

If you’re still unsure about your issue, contact Datadog support.

Further reading