
Datadog Teams allow groups of users to organize their team assets within Datadog and automatically filter their Datadog-wide experience to prioritize these assets.

Use Teams to link resources such as dashboards, services, monitors, and incidents to a group of users. You can also add team-specific links to Slack channels, Jira boards, GitHub repositories, and more.

Team membership is flexible. Users can join teams, be added by other members, or be added by an administrator. Users can belong to multiple teams.


Access the team directory page from Organization Settings or by navigating to Service Management > Teams. The team directory page lists all teams within your organization.

Create team

  1. On the team directory page, click New Team at the upper right.
  2. Choose a Team Name.
  3. The Handle populates based on your team name.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select team members and team managers.
  5. Provide an optional Description.
  6. Click Create.


  • Allowed characters for team names are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and ._-:/. Replace spaces with underscores.
  • Allowed characters for team handles are a-z, 0-9, and ._-:/. The last character cannot be an underscore.

Modify team

  1. On the team directory page, click the team you wish to modify. The team detail page appears.
  2. Click the Settings cog at the top of the screen. A pop-up window appears.
  3. Select the item you wish to modify.
  4. Make your changes, then click Save.

Choose provisioning source

Choose from three options to determine how admins and team managers may update team membership:

UI and API
Update membership through UI actions and API calls only
Use a SAML strict model so the identity provider data determines team membership
All sources
Use SAML as a starting point, and allow overrides through the UI and API
  1. On the team directory page, click Teams Settings.
  2. Select one of the options under Team Provisioning Sources.

If you have teams with existing members, picking the SAML strict option overrides your settings and removes team members from those teams. Picking the All Sources option preserves existing memberships. To manage teams and team membership using SAML attributes, see Map SAML attributes to Teams.

Team handle

A team handle links teams to Datadog resources. Team handles appear in search bars and facets in the format team:<team-handle> or teams:<team-handle>.

To find a team handle:

  1. Click the team’s name in the team directory page. A side panel appears with team details.
  2. Look for the handle field at the top of the panel.

To associate a resource with a defined team, a Team must exist in Datadog with a matching team handle. When you click on a resource associated with a defined team, a small window appears with the team handle and additional information. Defined teams provide additional functionality such as the Team filter below.

Team handles that aren’t associated with a defined team in Datadog behave similarly to tags. Convert any undefined team handles to defined teams to take advantage of Teams features.

Associate resources with team handles

Datadog supports associating the following resources with team handles:

Send notifications to a specific communication channel

Add a notification channel to your Team to route alerts to communication channels such as Slack or Microsoft Teams. Monitor alerts targeting @team-<handle> are redirected to the selected channel.

  1. On the team directory page, click the team you wish to modify.
  2. Click the Settings cog at the top of the screen. A pop-up window appears.
  3. Select Notifications.
  4. Add a channel, then click Save.


The team filter tailors a user’s experiences across Datadog to content associated with their teams.

The team filter appears in two places in each list view:

  • A list of search facets at the top left
  • A search term in the search bar

When a user enables a team filter, they see only the resources associated with their teams or with the services owned by their teams. The team filter state is global and persistent. Therefore, Datadog maintains team context across a user’s navigation journey over all applicable products.

The following table describes the products in which you can use the team filter:

Product List PageFilter basis
DashboardsTeam handle
Resource CatalogTeam handle
Service CatalogTeam handle
IncidentsTeam handle
MonitorsTeam handle
APM Error TrackingService owned by teams (determined by ownership inside the Service Catalog)
Logs Error TrackingService owned by teams (determined by ownership inside the Service Catalog)
Service Level ObjectivesTeam handle
Data Streams MonitoringTeam handle
Synthetic TestsTeam handle
NotebooksTeam handle


Any user in a role with the Teams Manage permission can create teams, rename teams, delete teams, and change team handles. Users with user_access_manage can add, remove, and promote team members and managers.

Manage teams

To customize your team, see Team Management.